Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Preparedness Series: Intro

So, what is preparedness exactly? At first mention of prepping many conjure images of "doomsday extremists" who have the notion that the world is coming to an end (and we will somehow be able to survive it?) along with a zombie apocalypse and alien invasion. However, preparedness is actually very simple, very commonsensical, and also very biblical.

PREPA'REDNESS, n. The state of being prepared or in readiness.

In readiness for what? You may ask. Anything! Is my response.

Loss of a job. Cut in pay. Long term power outage. Natural disasters. Rising fuel and energy costs.


So many, including our family, have found themselves in dire straights due to a layoff or an unexpected illness. Anything that may put a strain on your normal budget is what you need to be prepared for, and you need to be prepared for long term supplementation, especially in the event of a natural disaster like Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy which just recently hit the New England area, and Hurricane Katrina who's effects are still seen and felt even now, seven years later. FEMA cannot be depended on for a timely or sufficient response, as they have proven in every major natural disaster since Katrina, so we must be prepared to take care of ourselves, and our immediate neighbors.

Some topics that we will cover include the following:

1 - First Aid Preparedness: What to stock in your first aid kit, and how to use it.

2 - Primitive Cooking: How to cook what when power is out and natural  gas is not an option.

3 - Water Purification and Storage.

4 - Alternative Power: Such as solar power and hot water and how to build each system to work either off-grid or grid-tied. (Advice from a professional electrician)

5 - Sanitation: Laundry and sanitation tips for emergency times.

6 - Gardening: How to store seeds, how to save seeds (within the law), and some simple how-to's.

7 - Food Storage and Preservation: If the power goes out, you need to be prepared to store food.

8 - Small Livestock and Game

9 - Bugout Bags: Be prepared, in the event of a natural disaster, to have necessary items on hand if you have to leave your home and walk for help due to downed trees and communication.

 All will be linked as they are published, we are going to aim for one to three in-depth posts per week. If you have any requests or suggestions, please feel free to post here!

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest." Proverbs 6:6-8

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